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Our Yr-2023 and Second Annual Live Fire Evolutions Training headed by Alpha-1's Senior Chief Oliver C. Coley, a U.S. and Internationally Certified NFPA Instructor assisted by Alpha-1 instructor Cadre!

34 participants attended and successfully completed a 2-day training course, including classroom training as well as hands-on live fire drill!

These men and women have put in a lot of time and work to better serve our community!

Every firefighter must have the ability to judge their surroundings, be situationally aware, and apply the right tool from the tool box at the right place and at the right time. It's imperative that firefighters become highly proficient in how to attack fire development, warning signs, control measures, and efficient extinguishment, because their lives depend on it!

CONGRATULATIONS to all who completed and earned their certifications. Continue to grow and help spread the knowledge and skills to others.

Job well done!

Only with Alpha-1!!

For more information and courses offered, please contact us at:

Office Address: #100 Magsaysay Drive (4th floor) East Tapinac, Olongapo City, Philippines. Along 7th St. Friendship Rotonda, in front of 7/11 Store.

Or contact us:

Smart: +63961-897-0800

Globe: +63977-036-3600


“Desire To Serve, Ability To Perform,

Courage To Act.”

We Are...Alpha-1!

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